Hello there,
Well I have been told that being interested in your ancestry is a sign of old age. Bull sh... !
As far as I can remember moi was always interested in my genetic background.
You see I firmly belived that genes dont only transfer diseases, they also transfer much more than that. Like coded behaviours ectr..
Its our data base of our inheretence in life. The new science and addictions, genetics and the brain. Using family history to improve our health, molecular geneology to track your ancestry.
Our DNA contains the uniqe set of instructions to build us. Half of our DNA comes from our parents. A complete analisis of us comes from four types of DNA that is out there. They are all prone to mutations, while it's past down through generations it contains more mutations.
These mutations are our differences among all of us.
But if we track our haplotypes back further, I belive we will be able to come up with the root idea of Adam and Eve, or to some it is Lillith.
Well I am not looking for my ancestry that far back up the road, what I am trying to say is if all this new science is going to help me to identfy who I am, I am certainly willing to have a look at it to understand me, my family and the region I live in better.
Maybe some of you realized that I called my self The Mongrel. Well there is no better word for a mutt as mixed as I am. Lets have a look.
My dad;
Father is Albanian from Shkoder, no mixing in that other than the line goes to Croatia.
My fathers mother side is a bit different, Grandmamas mother is Macedonian, her father is a Caucasion from Ural mountains.
Thats as far as I could take, so up till now we have The Balkans,Ural-Altay mountain region.
My Mum;
Her dad is Irısh, most probably ancestry from Spain....
Her Mum is a Norman fron the island of England...Actually afraid to dig deeper there. All this might end up at very different geographies.
And with mum we have Ireland and the Uk.
Me is geneticly a mixture of The Balkans, Ural-Altay mountain region, Ireland and the Uk.
What do you call that ? I am not going into where I am living or raised, or religion and cultural factors yet... No not at this blog.
So when I look at my genetic past, where does my addiction come from ?
By the way yes I am a recovering addict but mainly I call it I am recovering from life.
There are mental illness at the Balkan side ?
Suicidal, well I am more on the other side. Never choose to give up. I am a fighter that must be the harsh Ural mountains worior spirit maybe.
Stuborn ? Well I know thats the Albanian in me.
I had to go through this crap about being from a single race, called me all soughts of names. Having parents from different nationality was a nightmare of my adolescense. I wasnt one of them I was the enemys daughter of our republic, 25 to 30 years ago. Is it better now ?
Trust me its getting worse on other levels.
But what else did all this beautiful mixture bring me other than I know ?
Well all I can come up with is there is not a prejudece cell in my body towards the human race for what colour, race, nationality, sexual preference, gender they are. I am only allergic to stupidity and narrow mindedness.
And I am thankfull for that.
Thankful for being a mutt not to fall in to the gap of being the one from the single race.
Please have a look at this link to open your minds.